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NTTY Membership

In order to register your student for NTTY, the following forms need to be completed. All fees and financial commitments from the prior year must be paid in full before registration can be accepted.

Both Parents
Parent 1
Parent 2

Emergency Contact (Local other than Parents)

Publicity Release for Minors

We occasionally submit pictures of our activities for publication and/or post them on our website. Please initial for your permission to publish pictures of your child(ren).

YES with Name
YES without Name
Gesher - Grade 9 $250.00
Gesher - Grade 10 - CONFIRMATION $250.00
Gesher - Grade 11 $250.00
Gesher - Grade 12 $250.00
NTTY Membership (9th - 12th) $125.00
NTTY Membership Not Part of Gesher $175.00
Gesher - Grade 9 $250.00
Gesher - Grade 10 - CONFIRMATION $250.00
Gesher - Grade 11 $250.00
Gesher - Grade 12 $250.00
NTTY Membership (9th - 12th) $125.00
NTTY Membership Not Enrolled in Gesher $175.00

Parents, teachers and children work together to create the best possible learning environment at Congregation Ner Tamid. Each group is asked to focus on the rights and responsibilities they have in creating the ideal Temple community. We recognize the following individual rights and responsibilities:
• The right to feel safe and the responsibility to make sure others feel safe.
• The right to be respected as an individual and the responsibility to respect others.
• The right to use the Temple and its grounds and the responsibility to protect them.

To participate in the Congregation Ner Tamid school community, parents and students must affirm the following:

“All Jews are responsible, one for another.” (Talmud, Shavuot 39a)
1. I am responsible for making this a safe environment. Some of the ways I can help to create a safe environment are:
• I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself.
• I will walk safely inside the Temple.
• I will only bring safe objects to Temple.
• I will be where I am expected to be when I am expected to be there.
• I will keep our school community a drug, alcohol and tobacco free environment.
• All of my actions will be safe for me and others.

“What is hateful to you, do not do to another.” (Talmud, Shabbat 31)
2. I am responsible for making sure people respect each other. Some of the ways I can help to create a respectful environment are:
• I will speak kindly to others and will not say hurtful things.
• I will listen when others are speaking and will expect others to listen to me.
• I will wait my turn to speak and will not interrupt others.
• I will do my best to make sure that nobody feels left out.
• I will respect responsible requests of my teachers and other adults.
• I will support Congregation Ner Tamid’s Religious School activities and will not disrupt them.
• I will treat the belongings of others with respect.
• All of my interactions with others will be respectful.

“Make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.” (Exodus 25:8)
3. I am responsible for taking care of my Temple building and everything in and around it. Some of the ways I can take care of the Temple are:
• I will leave the bathrooms clean and neat.
• I will clean up my work area and put away all materials.
• I will keep books, walls and furniture free from writing and other forms of damage.
• I will leave chewing gum, baseball caps and sunglasses at home.
• All of my behaviors will reflect appropriate respect for our Temple.

Judaism is founded upon a covenant between God and the Jewish people. Our Temple community is also founded on the same principles. The signature below of parents and students indicates your acknowledgement and acceptance of the provisions of this Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities. Students who adhere to this Code of Rights and Responsibilities will enjoy the privilege of being part of Congregation Ner Tamid’s Religious School community.

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation:

Payment Information

Increase the amount by 3% to cover credit card fees. Please select YES to increase your payment.

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